Since I started coaching golf a little over ten years ago, I’ve found one of the best ways to make long term improvements to your golf swing is with a weighted club.

The weighted club helps in two specific areas.

First, it is very useful for lengthening the golf swing as it naturally forces your muscles to stretch a bit as you do full swings.

I like to do long and slow golf swings with the weighted club to create more width in the back swing and with the follow through.  The work with the weighted club has been particularly more useful in recent years as I have been less active on the driving range.

I also recommend using the heavy club as a warm up prior to any session on the driving range just to help you loosen up.

Secondly, I like to use the weighted club to do slow motion golf swings, or to hold uncomfortable, but more correct positions in the golf swing.

The weight of the club sends a stronger signal to the brain, and this allows for faster swing improvements.

I demonstrate how I use a weighted club in the video below.

I highly recommend picking up a Momentus Swing Trainer, which is a 48 ounce club.

Author: Scott