Golfers are always looking for ways to improve their golf games. One way is through fitness, and this has spawned an entire industry known as golf fitness.
However, the fact of the matter is that the golf swing is a very complex, athletic move. Therefore, to excel at swinging a golf club, it requires athleticism and a certain amount of strength and fitness.
With that in mind, golf specific exercises are fine, but if you aren’t already in good physical shape, you should focus on exercises that will both get you in shape, and help you build a better golf swing.
The dead lift is probably one of the most important exercises you can implement in any fitness program, but it is also quite meaningful to golfers.
The dead lift is the best exercise for golfers because it engages multiple muscle groups that are all involved in the golf swing. These include the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, stomach muscles, lower back, shoulders and forearms.
Want to know how important the dead lift is to professional golfers? Just have a look at the photo below.

Photo courtesy of Belfast Telegraph
Yup, that’s world number 1 golfer Rory McIlroy performing a deadlift. This photo is from a few years ago, while Rory was struggling a bit. But, it’s clear he has continued with his workout routines, and it’s pretty much guaranteed that he still performs deadlifts regularly. Here is a fitness routine provided by his trainer.
Most golfers really struggle with maintaining their spine angle throughout the golf swing. As a result, they lose power, and the ability to develop consistent ball striking.
There are a number of potential reasons for that…a weak core, weak hamstrings, etc. The deadlift will strengthen the muscles required to maintain the spine angle.
If you are not doing any strength training, I highly recommend you get started. This is especially the case if you are 40 and older, as we begin to lose muscle mass at that age. Strength training is critical to maintaining muscle mass, and it is actually possible to add muscle well past 50.
Golf is not much fun if you can’t drive the ball very far. Therefore, if you want some added distance, begin a strength training program, and be sure to include the deadlift.
Be sure to include a stretching routine as part of your overall fitness program as well.
The video below explains the proper form for the best exercise for golfers… the deadlift. Get to it!